Scene 7: Wish

Heidi:  "Well...  I don't know anybody...  But what if we were linked to Goku? Maybe then we could help him more than we can right now..."
Gohan:  “Linked?  What do you mean by that?”
Heidi:  "Kind of like... we can hear what he's thinking and we can send in our thoughts through our minds...  Maybe like we shared one mind or sumthin...  Dunno, it's just an idea..."
Gohan:  “How would we be able to do that?”
Heidi:  "How else?  Did you ever think about the Dragonballs?  Why do you think I asked Shinryu that?"
Gohan:  “Use the Dragonballs to help my Dad...  But what if what Shinryu said that dragon can't handle is true..  Then what do we do?”
Heidi:  "Did you ever think about the wish we're going to make?  This has nothing to do with the Gods...  It's between us, you, me, and Goku...  It will work."
Gohan:  “I don't see what you're planning but I guess it’s worth a try..  But there's one thing you forgot..  We have to find all of them....  And what if my Dad dies while we are searching for them....”
Heidi:  "It doesn't take that long to find them, prolly jus' a couple hours... if you ask Bulma and the others to help.  I'd help, but I can't leave Goku."
Gohan:  “No, wait I have a better idea...  Vegeta has an old friend named Ritz..  He has a set of Dragonballs.  They are probably more powerful than Shenlong since the guardian of them is Ritz, who is a Saiyan. But he lives on another planet..  I need something that is fast to take me there...”
Heidi:  "Hmm...  Do you think we can Instant Transmission to his planet?"
Gohan:  “Yes, we can...  Ritz's dragon can teleport..  I'll have to tell you where it is excatly...”
Heidi:  "Alright...  Just that...  Do you think you can make the wish alone?  After I Instant Transmission there, I gotta come back here..."
Gohan:  “Tell me what the wish is...  I hope it works...”

Heidi:  "Wish that...  You and I could have our minds linked to Goku's until he gets better.  Try not to leave that last part out."
Gohan:  “Right..  I'll see what happens....”
Heidi:  "Okay, if it's successful or not, come back right away...  Now, where's Ritz's planet?"
*Gohan goes to his room and comes back with a map*
Gohan:  “Ritz gave us this map just in case we ever needed to see him.”  *then looks for the spot where the planet is*  “Right here”  *points to it*

Heidi:  "I see...  And which quadrant is his planet in?"
Gohan:  “The East...  His home on the planet is in the mountains..”  *Gohan flips the map to the other side where it showed the map of the planet.*  “The mountains are to the north here”  *points to it on the map*
Heidi:  "Alright then...  I'll see what I can do..."
*Heidi stands up, and takes Gohan's hand, and puts two fingers to her forehead*
*when they get to Ritz's home in the mountains, they see a dragon and a Saiyan laying in the grass.  Both seemed to be a sleep...*
Heidi *walks over to them*:  "Hey, are you Ritz?"
*the dragon opens an eye and looks at Heidi...*
Dragon:  “Hello..  Who are you and what do you want with Ritz?”

Heidi:  "Lovely day for a nap, huh?  Well, I'm Heidi, and we need the Dragonballs to help Goku.  If you care for more of an explanation, you can ask Gohan."  *points to Gohan*
Dragon:  “Gohan...Oh, I didn't see you...”
*to Gohan*:  "You know what the wish is right?  I'd better get back... I have a feeling Goku's not doing so well right now..."
Gohan:  “Yeah...  Nite you better wake up Ritz…”
Nite:  “Ritz!  RITZ!!!!”  *then roars*
*but Ritz doesn't stir...*
Nite:  “Lazy bum..  Someone yank his tail..  That will get him up!”

Heidi *walks over and grabs Ritz's tail*:  "Baka, get up!!"
*Ritz jumps up as he feels the pain...*
Ritz:  “Ow!!!  What did you do that for?  I was having a nice dream too....”
*Ritz starts rubbing his tail after he pulls it out of Heidi’s hands*

Heidi *smacks forehead*:  "Agh...  We need the Dragonballs.....  But, can I go now? Really, I'm worried about Goku...  Chi-Chi's gonna come after me with the frying pan if she finds out I'm not there right now..."
Gohan:  “Ritz we need you help.  My Dad is in trouble!”
Ritz:  “Your Dad?”
Gohan:  “Heidi get going..  I'll handle things from here..  I'll come back as soon as I'm done.”
  "Okay...  Just hurry...  I'm counting on you to find them in time...  See you soon."
*Heidi places two fingers on her forehead and disappears*
*she returns only to see a worried Chi-Chi....*
Heidi:  "Oh crap...  I'm soooo sorry Chi-Chi... erm...  You see... " *doesn't know where to start*
Chi Chi:  “It's Goku...  He's really sick..  I went to check on him and his fever has gone up....  Oh, what's wrong with him?”
Heidi:  “Huh?  I dunno...  I should know soon...  But right now...  All I know is that from being under Carros's control during the battle earlier today, Goku got sick...  There is a possibility that he... might..."
*Heidi turns around to see Goku laying there very pale and looking worse than when she had left*
Heidi:  "Goku... oh no..."  *rushes over*  "ChiChi, how long have I been gone?!?"
Chi Chi:  “I don't know..When did you leave?”

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