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Dragonball Z

- Fan Art

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Kingdom Hearts

- Fan Art

- Fan Fiction

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- Fan Art

- Fan Fiction


- Fan Art

- Doujinshi
(Fan Manga)
- Fan Fiction
- Music Videos
Series Summaries
- Digimon Adventure 01
(Season 1)
- Digimon Adventure 02
(Season 2)
- Digimon Tamers
(Season 3)

- Digimon Frontier
( Season 4)


- Columns (Rants, thoughts, etc.)

- Fan Fiction

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- Links



:'(  Leaving so soon??  Oh well, I hope these links guide you to wherever you wanna go and see.  ^_^
Please note that all links open in a new window.

DBZ sites:
http://www.dragonballz.com/ - The main site of DBZ...
http://www.advanced-anime.com/- A great place to find DBZ episodes and info
http://www.dbgt.com/- a great place for the latest info on DBZ
https://www.angelfire.com/dragon/goku-san/ - Tina's, one of my friends, DBZ site...   Go check it out ^_^

Kingdom Hearts sites:
http://www.kingdomhearts.com/ - Hey, well what'dya know?  Well, all games have to have a site somewhere...
http://www.issendai.com/bishonen/riku/index.htm - An okay mini site I found while searching...
http://www.ansemreport.com/main.html - A great KH site, especially if you're looking for stuff about KH2...

Fan Art sites:
http://www.animex.com/ - Really great site to find any, and I mean ANY, anime fan art...  And try their Oekaki board too...
http://www.deviantart.com/ - A good fan art site, and original.  As well as for poetry and such.

Fan Fiction sites:
http://www.fanfiction.net/ - Cool place to find fan fictions of practically anything or originals of any genre.  Just watch out for some adult things...  Why do sickos have to be almost everywhere you look? ()...

Anime tutorials:
http://www.howtodrawmanga.com/ - A site I used to go to to figure out how to draw some DBZ characters...
http://www.bakaneko.com/ - ^_^ my fave anime tutorial site...  Went there a lot to figure some things out...  But of course, I've come up with my own techniques...

Other sites:
http://filebox.vt.edu/users/eureyes/- My bro's current site...  ()... trying to live up to how cool it is compared to mine...
http://reyesenterprises.tripod.com/- My bro's first ever website that he never really updates anymore...
http://www.geocities.com/duoxxxg/YusukiHomepage.html - Tina's other page that she's made for furries and werewolves... ()^_^..

Games online:
http://www.tppcrpg.net/ - a really cool Pokemon RPG game...  Go check it out...  Does get boring after a while sometimes...
http://www.byond.com - This has gotta be one of the best free online gaming sites on the internet.  Even if you have to download the software, it ranges from board games, to RPGs, and virtual chatrooms...  Play by yourself or online.  Currently Jon and I are working on a game of our own based on the RP, so watch out for it...  And yea, using the software you download, you can also make your own games...