DBZ RP: Darkness and Light

Scene 3: Stubbornness and Spells

Heidi:  "Well at least dying is better than just giving up and running away...  You guys probably couldn't even see what was in Goku's eyes during the fight..."
Shinryu:  “Do you think I ran away because I was scared?!?!!”
Heidi:  "Though you can regroup and plan out your next move, how do you know your enemy isn't lurking around the next corner with a surprise attack that will kill you?"
Gohan:  “Why are you so hard on her?”
Shinryu:  “Oh, I know what it is like to be in battle...  I was a warrior myself...  My life was cut short because of it…  I was a fool to go into a battle that I couldn't return...”
Gohan:  “You're dead?!”

Heidi:  "I've been in a battle my whole life baka...  You probably never even saw my life running from the darkness…  You're frigging lucky I didn't turn myself in the instant I saw Carros!  Besides, I bet you couldn't see the real Goku that was still there in that body...  You prolly couldn't see his plea...  Those dark eyes were so easy to read..."
Shinryu:  “Ha! Do you think I know what is darkness?  After I was killed my entire army was killed also....  I've spend my whole afterlife up here with guilt of my men being killed because I had let them into it...  I've seen enough blood shed to last me a life time!”
Gohan:  “I'm sorry to be rude… but we've got to do something now!!!”

Heidi:  "Fine then...  You guys do something....  I'm not going to be there to save your butts..."
Shinryu:  “You'll never listen...Besides we are no longer on Earth...  You can't do anything here…”
Gohan:  “Where the heck are we then?’

Heidi:  "Hmph... lemme guess, Other World?  Or at least some planet in Other World?"
*Heidi sits down on the ground and starts thinking about stuff*
Shinryu:  “You are in the land of my master...  Goriko...”
Gohan:  “What are we going to do? We're stuck here unless Shinryu or someone sends us back....”
Heidi: “Or Instant Transmission home…”
Gohan: “And just what are you thinking about?”

Heidi:  "The counter spell...  And wondering what else Goku was trying to tell me during the fight..."
Gohan:  “Poor Dad... Why him?  Why did Carros take him from me?”
Heidi *whispers*: “Because I led him to Goku…  It was my fault…”
Shinryu:  “Because Carros is pure evil..  He'll do anything to win a battle....”

Heidi:  "And because he's a baka that all he cares about is power and taking control of everything...  What else to evil guys do?"
Shinryu:  “It seems that's what all evil people want...  But since we are here..  Heidi you can go to Goriko and learn the counter spell from him...  Gohan and I will take care of the Shadow Saiyans...”
Heidi *stands up*:  “Alright...  Where can I find Goriko?”
*but then some foot steps from somewhere in the mists*
Heidi:  "Huh? Who's there??"
*from out of the mists appears a Saiyan who's appearance was very similar to Goku's.  But he had scar on his forehead*
*Shinryu greets the Saiyan in a strange language that Gohan and Heidi can't understand...*

The Saiyan says:  “Shinryu, back from the battles of Earth I see...”
Shinryu *sighs*:  “Yes, but there's problems I couldn't handle...”
Heidi:  "So this is...?"
Shinryu *turns to Heidi*:  “Heidi, this is Darkstar...  He's is one of Goku's family members who dates way back in time....”
Darkstar: I'm not as ancient as you...You're older then even my great grandfather!!
Shinryu: Watch it....
Heidi:  "I see...  Well, it’s nice to meet you…" *bows respectfuly*
Darkstar:  “It's a pleasure to meet you my lady...”
Shinryu:  “Darkstar, I want you to take Heidi to Goriko…”
Darkstar:  “Whatever you say...  Don't want to anger the Warrior of Light..  The commander of the East Army...”
Shinryu:  “Then get going before I have your hide!!!!”
Darkstar:  “Well, we better do as he says....”

Heidi:  "Yeah... but promise me one thing you two..."
Shinryu:  “Yes?”
Heidi:  "If you see Goku, kill him...  I don't have anything against him...  But that was one of the things he told me during the fight... and I dunno if I'll be able to help you guys in time...  At least being dead is better than fighting your own friends and family..."
Shinryu:  “That's why we must hurry... Goriko will give you enough time to learn the spell and send you back in time...”
Darkstar:  “Oh, about fighting your own friends and family...  You should have Cadabury tell you about that...  He's had that problem before.....”
Shinryu:  “There's no time to bother him now…  Go!”
Heidi *nods*:  "Good luck you two...  And Gohan, don't hold anything back...  I don't want to lose you too..."
Gohan:  “Right!  I'll be careful!”
Darkstar:  “Follow me, then.”
*Shinryu and Gohan disappear..  Darkstar is now leading Heidi down the path to Goriko's palace...
  They reach the gates..But a Saiyan is standing guard*
Darkstar:  “Open the gates we must see Goriko at once!”
*Darkstar has to spend some time yelling at the guard to let him in. Finally, the guard gives in and opens the gates to let them through*
Heidi:  "Finally...  What was up with that guard?  Was it because of me or something?"
Darkstar:  “No...  The guards are always on the watch..  You never know when someone evil might get in..  Hey, we're almost there!”
Heidi: “I see..."  *stares ahead in determination*  "So erm... Is the spell hard to learn?"
*they go through the garden and reach Goriko's palace*
Darkstar:  “Don't really know...Maybe Goriko will tell you when he teaches it to you.....”
*they enter the hall...*
Darkstar:  “That's as far as I can take you.  Go to the end of the hall and go through those doors...  Goriko is in there…”

Heidi:  "Okay, thanks..." *waves good-bye to Darkstar then continues forward*
*Heidi starts down the hall but before she reaches the door, she hears a strange throbbing sound..  There's a room on Heidi’s left and there's a strange glow emitting from it....*
Heidi: “Huh? What's that?"  But I can't let my curiosity get to me... I need to learn that spell... For Goku...
*Heidi starts for the doors again, only to have her curiosity get the better of her*
Heidi:  Oh what the heck?  One little peek won’t hurt will it?
Heidi takes a quick peek in the other room to see a huge white dragon somewhat like Shenlong curled up asleep.....”
Heidi:  "Oh wow... Maybe I'll ask Goriko about him later…"
*Heidi walks over to the doors and pushes them open*
*Heidi feels Goriko's power... and it's unbelievable!  Goriko is sitting on his throne..  He looks a like Super Saiyan expect his hair is a lighter gold that’s almost white and his eyes are blue..  He has a pair of white feathered wings...*
Heidi *swallows hard*:  "Y-you're Goriko?"
*Gokriko’s white tail is twiching as he sees Heidi come in*
Goriko:  “Yes, I am he...  You are true to your feels..  Your feelings say fear me! But you do not. I will not harm a person of good.  So what is that you have come for?”

Heidi:  "I need to learn the counter spell to turn back Carro's spell... that he set on a friend of mine...  He may have already cast it upon some of my other friends too... or even now as we speak..."
Goriko:  “Oh yes, the mind control that my foul brother casts..  Very well I will teach it to you if you are willing to learn...”
Heidi:  "I am... I don't want to fight my friend anymore...  He pleaded me to help him...  But I couldn't...  And I don't want to loose any more friends to Carros."
Goriko:  “For years I've fought my brother...  So..  I'll show you the spell.”
*Goriko then stood up and began saying some very strange words while making the right signs for the spell to work....*

Heidi *studies the motions and words carefully*:  "So that's the spell?"
Goriko:  “Oh, dare it...  You probably don't understand me...  The spell is in Ancient Saiyan....  But if you can remember the words and the right signs then you should be ok.....”
Heidi:  "I'll try...”
Goriko:  “Then you can leave now! I'll have my dragon, Ch'ien take you home...”

Heidi:  "Your dragon?"
Goriko:  “Yes, the white dragon who sleeps in the other room.”
Heidi:  Oh that dragon…  Wow…
Goriko:  “Ch'ien Long is his full name. He's a dragon of great power..”

Heidi:  "I see... Also... The... counter spell... Will it have any side effect on... my friends?"
Goriko:  “No...  But they will feel weak for a while since Carros' spell puts a great strain on them..”
Heidi:  "Will anything happen if I do the spell wrong?"
Goriko:  “Nothing will happen if you get it wrong....  I made it that way...”
Heidi:  "Thank you very much Goriko...  I should go now...  I hope I didn't trouble you too much...  And I'll do my best...." *bows respectfully*
Goriko:  “You haven't troubled me at all...  I would go myself but I cannot leave this place and I don't have a physical body in the mortal world...  I'll call my dragon.”
*Goriko calls for his dragon and the white dragon enters the room*
Goriko:  “Ch'ien, take Heidi back to Earth..”
*Ch'ien nods his head and extends a claw to help you up onto his back....*

Heidi:  "Before I go... tell me one last thing..."
Goriko:  “What is it?”
Heidi:  "If I've been haunted by a darkness all my life, then why didn't Carros come after me and instead went after Goku and Vegeta?"
Goriko:  “He may have not noticed until you were gone.  He probably knows it now...  Be careful..  Don't listen to anything my brother says.”
Heidi:  "I won't...  I'm stronger than just to give up to the darkness...”
Goriko:  “Besides... he's usually only after Saiyans I'm afraid...  But he does have other creatures under his control.....”

Heidi:  "Alright...  I'll remember that...  I'd better get going if I am to help my friends...  Good-bye Goriko, thanks once again.”
*then Ch'ien and Heidi disappear in a flash of light.  And once again Heidi is in the Earth's blue sky*
Heidi:  Home...  Earth...  Don't worry, I promise I won't let everyone down...

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