Chibi Gohan: “I still don’t own DBZ…”
*looks at scene # and title*
Chibi Gohan: “Oh.. my favorite mushy part!!”
Mirai Trunks: “Sshhh… don’t ruin it for the readers!!”
Chibi Gohan *claps hand over mouth*: “Oh yeah… sowwee…”

Scene 4: Wishes

Mirai Trunks *looking at Gohan*  “Well, what are we going to do for the next two weeks?”
Chibi Gohan: “Hmm... dunno... train?  Or should we sleep?”
Mirai Trunks: “Train?  For what?”
Chibi Gohan says *looking serious*: “You don't always know what will happen…”
Mirai Trunks: “You don’t think Veggeto will be there...  do you?”
Chibi Gohan: “Well, no… but the last time we went to Namek... we came across Metal Kooler.”
Mirai Trunks: “I haven’t been to Namek..”
Chibi Gohan: “Well, I have… but don't worry, with me, you don't have to worry much.  The Nameks know who I am…”
*Trunks looks at the shattered pieces of his HOPE sword*
Chibi Gohan: “Hmm... I wonder if there's a way to fix it...”
*something clicks in the back of Gohan’s head*
Mirai Trunks: “I got it from Tapion...”
Chibi Gohan: “Oh wait!! I just remembered something about the Namek dragonballs!!  You get three wishes, not only one!!”
Mirai Trunks: “Three??”
Chibi Gohan: “Yeah, three wishes.”
Mirai Trunks: “Wow.  But what to do we do about the other two?”
*Gohan looks up at the ceiling*
Chibi Gohan: “I was hoping.. maybe... my dad would finally want to come back..”
Mirai Trunks: “Does he want to?”
Chibi Gohan: “Don't u remember?  You were there.  He didn't want to be wished back.”
Mirai Trunks: “Yea, I remember that…”
Chibi Gohan: “I was thinking... me losing to Veggeto would change his mind… but I dont know..”
Mirai Trunks: “Well.. we could use some help..”
Chibi Gohan: “He should have contacted us by now if he wanted to come back...” *sigh* “Maybe he will... later...”
*Gohan looks down at her ripped gi that wasn't sewed correctly*
Mirai Trunks: “We can wish your gi back to normal…”
Chibi Gohan *laughing*: “Very funny...”
*Gohan stands up and yawns*
Chibi Gohan: “Maybe we should sleep first...”
Mirai Trunks *yawns*: “Hmm…”
*Gohan tries to ignore another stomach growl*
Chibi Gohan: “Man... I hope we get there soon.. we can't stay like this forever...”
Mirai Trunks: “Until then we can read, tell stories, and play games.”
Chibi Gohan *smiling*: “Yeah , but before any of that, maybe we should check if we're headed in the right direction.”
*Gohan walks to the controls*
Mirai Trunks: *Hmm… that’s a good idea*
*Gohan looks at the screen near the controls*
Chibi Gohan: “Um, you don't mind?” *points to the buttons*
Mirai Trunks: “Sure, go ahead.”
Chibi Gohan: “Okay...”
*Gohan presses a couple buttons, making the star map on the screen show a larger area*
Mirai Trunks: “Everything good?”
Chibi Gohan: “Hmm.... Yeah, it seems we're going in the right direction.”
*Gohan presses another button*
Mirai Trunks: “Ooo…. button noise..”
Chibi Gohan: “Autopilot...” *enters coodinates*
Mirai Trunks *grinning*:  “I like autopilot.”
Chibi Gohan: “Well, that should let us relax...  At least we don't sit at the controls all day...”
Mirai Trunks: “Yes, but what do we do instead?”
Chibi Gohan: “Didn’t you say play, tell stories, and stuff?”
Mirai Trunks: “Stories.. yes.”
Chibi Gohan: “Okay… we can't train, the ship might not take it too easy.”
Chibi Gohan *sweatdropping*: “We do have a bedroom on here, right?”
Mirai Trunks: “Um... this isn’t a big ship..  I normally don’t ride with another person..”
Chibi Gohan: “Oh yeah... well are there any rooms besides this and the kitchen?”
Mirai Trunks: “Um.. the bedroom.”
Chibi Gohan: “And bathroom... right?”
Mirai Trunks *laughing*: “Yes.”
Chibi Gohan: “Okay good...”
*Gohan walks to the bedroom*
Chibi Gohan: “Lemme guess, single bed?”
*Gohan opens door to bedroom*
Mirai Trunks: “Well… yeah…   Sorry Gohan-san...   I only have one bed...   but I can sleep in the tub or somethin’..”
Chibi Gohan *giggling*: “It's okay Trunks-chan... We'll either fit on the bed or I can stay on the floor...”
Mirai Trunks: “No, I can’t move you onto the floor.”
Chibi Gohan: “Oh, come on... Trunks-chan, why'd I let you sleep on the floor?  Or in the tub?”
*Trunks smiles*
*Gohan glances at the bed*
Chibi Gohan: *Hmmm we could fit... sleeping on top of each other... but that can wait... he might want to hear the stories before falling asleep...*
*Gohan sits down on the bed and leans against the wall*
Chibi Gohan: “Wanna hear any stories?”
Mirai Trunks: “Sure, got any?”
Chibi Gohan *chuckling*: “I've got tons.  I HAVE been living in this timeline ya know.”
Chibi Gohan: “So, you gonna stand there, or are you gonna sit down?
*Trunks realises he’s standing, arms crossed, in Vegeta’s typical manner..*
Mirai Trunks: “I’ll sit..”
Chibi Gohan *smiling to herself*: *Boy, he's cute when he tries to imitate 'geta…*
Chibi Gohan: “Anyway, what story you want to hear?”
Mirai Trunks: “Um… I don’t know.  Your fight with Kooler?"
Chibi Gohan: “It wasn't  my fight... well, it partly was.  I was only eight when we met him... Metal Kooler and the real him.  My dad destroyed both... well, he did have help.  Very little from me, Piccolo, Krillin.... or the other fighers from Earth... but against Metal Kooler, he had the most help from…” *pauses*  “You want to know who helped him against Metal Kooler?”
*Trunks nods*
Chibi Gohan: “Your dad helped him out... tho... he didn't really mean it in a good way.  He said he just helped my dad out cuz he wanted my dad to only be defeated by him.  But... I don't think that's true.  I think... that wasn't the only reason why he helped.  Anyway... maybe you'd like to hear what happened... the whole story...  You know, starting when we arrived on Namek.”
*Gohan looks at Trunks who almost appears to be sleeping*
Chibi Gohan: “Um, Trunks-chan?”
Mirai Trunks *opening eyes*: “I’m awake.”
Chibi Gohan *laughs and leans head against his shoulder*: “Rriiigghhtt....  I saw you had your eyes closed.”
Mirai Trunks: “I didn’t!!”
Chibi Gohan *giggles*: “Funny Trunks-chan...   Do I have to tell the story and watch you fall asleep, or can you tell a story and watch me not fall asleep?  Oops…” *shuts up*
Mirai Trunks: “Well that was interesting story….”
Chibi Gohan: “I wasn't really describing anything...”
Mirai Trunks: “All of mine are just bad memories..”
Chibi Gohan: “Well, I think I'd like to know them... so that... you don't have to hide anymore...”
Mirai Trunks: “Well remember, I lived in an era when the androids were never destroyed...”
Chibi Gohan: “I know... but further back...  What was it like... being a kid in that time?  I'd never know the feeling.. but... I think I would through you...”
Chibi Gohan: *It'll stop the frying pan attacks too…*
Mirai Trunks: “Well..  when I was with...  um you, but you were older..”
Chibi Gohan: “I know... you told me.. I was your teacher..  So, of course I was older in your time.. and I was what.. a guy?”
Mirai Trunks: “Um.. yea.”
Chibi Gohan *giggling*: “I thought so... it no wonder your mom made a miscalculation but... I think it's a good thing that she did…”
Mirai Trunks: “Huh?”
Chibi Gohan *sweatdropping*: “Didn't I explain earlier?”
Mirai Trunks: “Yea.  I was asking why it was good.”
Chibi Gohan *blushing*: “Um... isn't it obvious?”
*Gohan looks up at Trunks's confused face*
Chibi Gohan: *Gawd, he looks cute at any time.*
*Trunks looks at Gohan *
Mirai Trunks: “He he, so I’m a good thing that came outta a mistake.”
Chibi Gohan: “Yeah, that's what I think too.  At least I got to meet... you....”
*Gohan realizes a wish to make with the dragonballs*
Mirai Trunks: “What, Gohan-san?  You look like you got an idea.”
*Gohan moves away from Trunks and looks away*
Chibi Gohan: “Yeah... a bad idea... well... might be good for you... but I shouldn't.... I don't exactly want to tell you... but... if you want me to...”
Mirai Trunks: “Well... um…jus’ tell me, what’s wrong?”
Chibi Gohan: “The wishes... the 2 that's left... well, maybe one.. since one might be used to revive dad...  But one of the wishes...” *tries to cover a tear sliding her face*  “I was thinking... we could wish that...”
*Trunks sees Gohan crying*
Chibi Gohan: “Your timeline would be fixed... and... I know... you'd be going back.. wouldn't you?”
Mirai Trunks: “I... I would of wanted that more than anything... but...”
Chibi Gohan *turns to Trunks*: “But.. what, Trunks-chan?”
Mirai Trunks: “If.. my time was changed, so that none of this never happened... then,  my mom would have never made the time machine...”
Chibi Gohan: “She would have, eventually... but.. I meant.. the androids... everyone was alive again...  In your time, the androids would be dead... me, my dad... your dad... would be alive... wouldn't you want that?”
Mirai Trunks: “You’d get to meet your male half…”
Chibi Gohan: “No... I'd still be here.... And the Bulma I know here might not make a mistake with the time machine...”
Mirai Trunks: “That’s right...  you couldn’t come...”
Chibi Gohan: “And besides, one of the wishes still might be going to Dad... and... I don't think I could ever want to leave this timeline... even if... you...”
*Gohan turns away again*
Chibi Gohan: *I'm breaking our promise!!  I wish I'd never thought of this!*
Mirai Trunks *looks over his shoulder*: “Dad, Goku, and Gohan, everyone I ever knew would be back... but I’d loose you.”
Chibi Gohan *turns around*: Trunks-chan....” *starts crying and hugs him*  “I wouldn't want to loose you either... I'd kill myself if I lost you...”
Mirai Trunks *whispers*: “Even if they all were back... I wouldnt go,  I won’t leave you.”
Chibi Gohan *holds him tight*: “Oh Trunks-chan...” *looks into his blue eyes*  Do you promise, not to leave?”
Mirai Trunks: “With all that I am.”
Chibi Gohan: “Oh Trunks-chan!!"
*Gohan buries her head in his chest and sobs*
*Trunks holds her tight, faces her, and closes his eyes*
Chibi Gohan *whispers*: “I promise too, Trunks-chan... I'll never leave you... and if someone ever separates us... I swear... he will die... because.... I can't live without you...”
*a minute of silence*
Chibi Gohan: “Trunks-chan?”
Mirai Trunks: “Yes?”
Chibi Gohan *smiling*: “I promise...”
Mirai Trunks *smiling also*: “Me too…”
*Gohan kisses Trunks on the lips, but does not want to break it*
Chibi Gohan: * I wish... this could last forever*
*finally, after a few minutes, Gohan pushes Trunks back*
*Gohan yawns*
Chibi Gohan: I'm sleepy... and I'm sorry... I came up with that idea...”
*Gohan lies down on the bed and stretches*
Chibi Gohan: “So, you gonna sleep too?” *eyeing Trunks still sitting  there*
*Trunks looks at Gohan in nervousness*
Chibi Gohan *giggling*: “I'm not planning to do ‘THAT’... I just want you to sleep next to me...”
Mirai Trunks: “Um, ok, I guess…”
*Gohan smiles happily and Trunks tries to find a way to lie down*
Chibi Gohan: “So... um... I'm on top then, since you'd ‘crush’ me....” *giggle*
Mirai Trunks *giggling*: “I’m not that heavy.”
Chibi Gohan: “Hey, I'm not either, but I wouldn't want to sleep with someone on top of me... it's still a small bed, and besides, I'm smaller than u...”
Mirai Trunks says *looks at Gohan*: “Um, are you gonna sleep in that?  I mean..  a badly sewn together gi, isn’t that comfortable..”
Chibi Gohan *giggling*: “Not really... it's just a scratch anyway...  Unless you were planning to put me in a nightgown your mom put somewhere....”
Mirai Trunks: “Come to think of it, all my clothes were on earth at the time... well,  except a few gis.”
Chibi Gohan *sweatdropping*: “Yeah... not much of a selection, is there?  It’s not like I care about fashion though...”
Mirai Trunks: “Yeah, it’s not much...”
*Gohan sighs and rests head on Trunks's chest*
*Gohan feels her eyelids getting heavy*
*she looks at Trunks's face before closing eyes*
*Trunks watches Gohan fall asleep, and listens to her breathing.*
Chibi Gohan *mumbles*: “I love you Trunks-chan...”
Mirai Trunks *whispers*: “I love you too Gohan-san...”
*Trunks and Gohan fall asleep, holding each other in a protective embrace*

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